Information about Astral Projection: Angel Koachiel- Message. Jack Milton - hallo my brother astral treveler in this world, This time we will give the article titled: Information about Astral Projection: Angel Koachiel- Message. Jack Milton, This article contains knowledge about the world and the spiritual world and its astral metaphysical thing. Let us begin to tell you about the astral world.

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Information about Astral Projection: Angel Koachiel- Message. Jack Milton

Article alura cein, Article Angelic, Article Angels, Article anunnaki, Article ascension, Article Awakening, Article consciousness, Article earth, Article ezekiel, Article grigori, Article heaven, Article hologram, Article messages, Article starseed, Article truman show, Article truth, Article truthology, Article universe, Article visions,

I am still trying to educate many not only on the many star races out there, and the truths that come with them, but also on the other angels that have been excluded too. It pains me to see so much emphasis placed, on trends, like the mainstream star systems of Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra, and Andromeda, the way that they do it... As well as the major known archangels like Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, and Raphael. While those are just important, it has become something more of a cliche now, rather than it being about the truth. People stereotyping, and catagorizing themselves under zodiac traits that false leaders put as the star system traits. I always say, "If people can really channel, why do they not know the true traits? The True Races? The true names of those? And why is there only messages from the angels that are known historically? I wish people would truly wake up, and see when they are being  projected a theatrical play, rather than the truth.

In this I have brought many races out in the open with my extensive channeling skills, as well as angels who work hard each day behind the scenes, while informing you all of angels just a huge in the hierarchy, but never mentioned. Take that Doreen Virtue LOL. No, seriously, I like Doreen Virtue's work, so no pun intended. But honestly, seriously, we need to expand beyond the same information given, by the very churches and so-called saints that placed segregation and dogmatic views on people, and get to the deeper truths...

In this, yesterday I presented what happened to Moses, as he became Angel Mitzvahael, and now, Ezekiel. Many have the misconception  that Ezekiel is Sandalphon, but in truth, Sandalphon is the prophet Elijah. Ezekiel, became Angel Koachiel.. Channeling him last night, he brings a special message:

" Oh, Earth, how it has been a very long time. I do not miss human life, but I do miss the landscape of earth.  It was simply beautiful, still is in many ways, but the beauty is subsiding each day with climate changes, and pollution. It is devastating indeed to see how the world has changed since my time there. I recall it being balanced in the weather, although the region I came from was always warm, I still know we had some beautiful weather. Cool days with a breeze that carried the sweet smell of jasmine. I can smell it now, thinking of it. It was dry and hot on other days, sometimes unbearable, but the river, and the reeds, against the desert sky, it was a sight indeed. It was a boring life, but  got much excitement from the visits that I had from the outside races, not of earth. One I documented, I am sure you have heard of it, in what they call "Ezekiel's Visions". Yes, I confirm it was an extraterrestrial encounter, so now that you have the confirmation, also know this.. In those visions, many of those extraterrestrials were working with the Powers in this matrix as well, showing me many of the Sacred geometric codes.  I was able to then beat them at their own game, and use the info that they taught me, more than likely having given it to me in the first place, to work something in their agenda, but I used it to hack myself out of there, right into heaven.

Then, I met with the Creator. And for all of you wondering, yes, your world is much like your earthly moving picture, called The Truman Show". But, just not exactly how it is presented. It goes a little deeper.  Enormous beings beyond your comprehension, that I almost got myself lost, until Mitzavahel (Moses) came to find me, and took me under his wing, and showed me the ropes, years passing, as I enhanced my wisdom there, learning the truth, Finally, ascending my light into what you all call The Higher Self, and being equal in size with the rest of them. The Grigori. No, Anunnaki and Grigori are not the same thing. Due to the size, they are misperceived as so, but in fact the Anunannki are our fallen brethren who rule within the network of earth, having taken on a physical form on earth, to teach mankind, alter the genes, and then to set up offspring. The Grigori are the ones who are not fallen, but are part of the deeper  connected networks, watching over the Universe. I am now one of them. But with Alura there, we all have channel, a telephone line, as you all call it, to  speak.. We do hope that you listen. My message to earth is this, people of earth, stop killing one another. It is pointless anyhow. If you take a life, it either gets lost in "subconscious files" of earth's programming, What Catholics call "purgatory", or they just come right back into another life, with the same vengence, and vicious cycle of looking those whom set them behind, to avenge themselves later on. This is why random people die through murder there. They, in a past experience, took that person's life, and they returned to do return "eye for an eye". It is an endless nonstop, senseless cycle. Who is anyone to delay another's experience anyhow? Life is precious.

I also want to add that, while the world still has beauty in it, please control the abuse to the soul of the planet. Its beauty can be salvaged. Indeed it can be. But it must start to heal now, otherwise, any further into the future, the powers may deem it too late, and relocate to another planet, as they have many times before. Oh, if only you knew who your "human" rulers really were. They do not call them the "Illuminated Ones" without cause. But yes, they will make a new life on another planet, killing all natives there or enslaving them, and leaving behind any remaining remnants of mankind, an animal life, to fight for their survival, without much resources. But we all have a secret. I will leave that to Alura to tell you about someday...

I wish only for those of you who are meek, and troubled by the chaos in your hearts, to be free, and to help out earth, but it will take an uprising bigger than any earthly war ever before, to take back the planet. While many say there are workers of light, they are not doing what they were sent to do...joining together to fight.  Yes, the agenda for a one world government, and belief, is a good one, but not the plans that the powers and their human offspring have, instead, it will be one of truth, purity, and love, made by all of you, once you overthrow them. Remember the four living creatures that I spoke of in my visions?  This represented what I was shown which were the tools to defeat them. The calf, symbolizes the hard headedness you will have to have in fighting for you convictions. The lion is the courage and strength. The eagle is the sharpness of your sight, to see the truth and be two steps above the workers of lawlessness. And the man, was symbolic for the brotherhood that you will have to exhibit in taking the stand. I hope you do so.. We will all back you up, but we are to big to drop out of the sky into the smaller reality of earth, so that is why we send our messengers, so they can speak for us, and perform wonders with all of you. Know we are watching, waiting, and hoping.."

Many thanks and gratitude to Angel Koachiel, (Ezekiel) for his message, and for his wisdom. I am trying to teach everyone how to control their "episode in the Truman Show", and then to walk out the door into the truth, but I need people's belief and faith to do it. They say a true messenger is never really accepted, and this is true. And the government is slick setting up so many false messengers  to make the world seem full of psychics and incarnates with power... Tis a shame that something Holy, and a gift has become such a trend in your world. It makes it hard to find the real ones, and therefore, the priceless value in the insights are diminished. When will people understand that you have to born with a gift? Or go through many years of deprogramming, and awakening, to gain such abilities? I would never lie to you all, and hate to see promises given, but not fulfilled in their kaleidoscope  of mirrors, and symbolism... But it is the truth... I know being so sensitive in this world, being a soul wishing for something better, makes it easier to believe in those promises, and theatrics. But that is all that is, a huge playwright, with actors and actresses, portraying powerful forces, who later on will  meet those same people with punishment in karma, and dark spirits. I do not want that for anyone, but they have excluded many important truths and added so many horrific deceptions. You deserve the real truth. I love you all... Always remember that.

For awakening assistance and training, please visit my website, and become a disciple of Truthology, and you will learn great things to expand you mind. I also offer readings for your personal ascension paths, and channeled messages from your own network of light outside of the matrix.... www.aluraspiritualservices.com

Thus the article Information about Astral Projection: Angel Koachiel- Message. Jack Milton

article telling you about Information about Astral Projection: Angel Koachiel- Message. Jack Milton, I hope the article can make you know more about the astral world and the metaphysical.

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