Spiritual of soul: War in Heaven. Jack Milton - hallo my brother astral treveler in this world, This time we will give the article titled: Spiritual of soul: War in Heaven. Jack Milton, This article contains knowledge about the world and the spiritual world and its astral metaphysical thing. Let us begin to tell you about the astral world.

theme : Spiritual of soul: War in Heaven. Jack Milton
title article : Spiritual of soul: War in Heaven. Jack Milton

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Spiritual of soul: War in Heaven. Jack Milton

Article alura cein, Article Angels, Article Awakening, Article bible, Article consciousness, Article creation, Article fallen, Article heaven, Article Jesus, Article light, Article lucifer, Article michael, Article rebellion, Article Satan, Article spirituality, Article truthology, Article war,

The stories of antiquity always tell us of the forces of chaos coming together with light, in Creation.. How very true. The stories in genesis do not go into this though.. Instead they say "earth" was void, and go into the creation of earth, but never once did they explain the creation of the entire Universe... or did they...? The bible is rich in symbolism as the greedy people of old, wanted to keep the wisdom to themselves. They knew all of the spiritual beliefs out there had the creation stories, and this is why they forbid anyone to explore outside of theirs. Killings took place to enforce this law. Close to 600,000 people burned for things like owning a bible, practicing another religion, or trying to know some information on science. 123 wars in history were named for religious causes, but there were more than that. This shows how they did anything they could, even depopulate, if people did not conform to their leadership and dictation. But that is obvious.. Now back to the bible.

They did mention the creation of the Universe.. But in their mind games, as they are infamous for, they put it in the back of the book. Like Enoch is a future prophecy made to look like the past, The War in heaven made to look like the future, was really the Creation of the Universe, made to look like the future. revelation 12:7 says, And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war, and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven.  Michael represents the light. As you could see, Michael took the role of the ascended Jesus, as they changed his name. Goes back to what I told you all about Michael. An angel, with his name meaning "who is like God" is like God, because he has the light, and both mother and father god, wisdom. Balanced, and all knowing. He then became Emmanuel, "God is with them" as he was incarnated into the earth, through Yeshua. Jesus was an incarnated messenger. Which is why his teachings always said he was like God, or the representation of what God would be like if in humanity. He taught awakening to that, showing divine love, and gave many wise teachings. Michael (who is like God), became Emmanuel, (God is with them) in the flesh. The name, just a description. But furthermore, Yeshua means "God is salvation" so rightly so, as Yeshua was showing people how to save themselves from the powers ruling here.

But yes, he represents the light, thus why he is called, "The morning and evening star." But who else is the morning and evening star? That's right.. Lucifer, who is also called the light bringer. So, they did not want you to go to the light, so what Constantine did, was take on Yeshua's identity, and instead put his Gods and holidays under the disguise of Christ. Then, changed the name to Jesus, the roman anglicized version, but it was really the sol invictus, the roman sun god, whom everyone was worshiping. Then, to make it even worse, the named Lucifer the light bringer, the kundalini awakening, as evil, to frighten people from going to the light. but they worshiped him.. Watch this Catholic Christian calling Lucifer. You have no idea how lied you have been. Please follow me as I repave the path back to the light, as a messenger myself.

Back to the war.. The first rebellion represents the forces of darkness and light coming together to make the Universe. as we know angels are creators, and are made of light. There are also some made of darkness, for the purpose of balance and contrast.  The second rebellion was the use of those forces and angels to create the earth. The third was the actually battle between the powers who rule over this planet.  

In Isaiah, they speak of the "son of the morning" that had "fallen from heaven" and was "cast down to the earth". In verse 12 of this passage, the Hebrew word that referred to the morning star was translated into Latin as Lucifer. With the application to the Devil of the morning star story, "Lucifer" was then applied to him as a proper name. The name Lucifer, the Latin name (literally "Light-Bearer" or "Light-Bringer") for the morning star (the planet Venus in its morning appearances), is often given to the Devil in these stories. The brilliancy of the morning star,which eclipses all other stars, but is not seen during the night,may be what gave rise to myths such as the Babylonian story of Ethana and Zu, who was led by his pride to strive for the highest seat among the star-gods on the northern mountain of the gods (an image present also in Ezekiel 28:14), but was hurled down by the supreme ruler of the Babylonian Olympus. Stars were then regarded as living celestial beings. The Jewish Encyclopedia states that the myth concerning the Morning star was transferred to Satan by the first century before the Common Era, citing in support of this view the Life of Adam and Eve and the Slavonic Book of Enoch 29:4, 31:4, where Satan-Sataniel is described as having been one of the archangels. Because he contrived "to make his throne higher than the clouds over the earth and resemble 'My power' on high", Satan-Sataniel was hurled down, with his angels, and since then he has been flying in the air continually above the abyss. According to Jewish thought, the passage in Isaiah was used to prophesy the fate of the King of Babylon, who is described as aiming to rival God.

This is very true as it happened, only his name was Samael. not Lucifer. So they make you think Yeshua, Michael, Emmanuel, and Lucifer are all different beings,but aren't as they are all represented by Venus. What's more, they totally eliminate the truth that Samael is the one to be on the watch for. Instead, they took all of this, knowing it, hid it away for their elite only.; Leaving the world confused in reverse psychological warfare. They did say after all that the whole inhabited earth would misled, and 84% of the world is Christian. Those innocently looking to worship the messenger who came a Yeshua, go on to actually worship the Sol Invictus. The church keeping their acknowledgement of this wisdom to themselves,and using it as you saw in the video.. It will always be a war of light and dark, of  truth and lies, here in this world, until one frees their mind from the matrix made by the powers. Enoch saw this:  And those men took me and led me up on to the second heaven, and showed me darkness, greater than earthly darkness, and there I saw prisoners hanging, watched, awaiting the great and boundless judgment, and these angels were dark-looking, more than earthly darkness, and incessantly making weeping through all hours. And two springs come out which send forth honey and milk, and their springs send forth oil and wine, and they separate into four parts, and go round with quiet course, and go down into the paradise eden, between corruptibility and incorruptibility.  He is describing the network of the powers in those scriptures. As he saw them... This is why Metatron's Cube is so huge in the secret societies too, as it show the set up of the network.

The angels of light will always fight the angels of darkness as the forces continue to wage war, In two ways. One, to create, and two to claim the creation itself...

For more.. please enroll in Truthology www.alurapsiritualservices.com

Thus the article Spiritual of soul: War in Heaven. Jack Milton

article telling you about Spiritual of soul: War in Heaven. Jack Milton, I hope the article can make you know more about the astral world and the metaphysical.

You 're reading an article Spiritual of soul: War in Heaven. Jack Milton and this article url permalinknya is https://jackastraltraveler.blogspot.com/2016/05/spiritual-of-soul-war-in-heaven-jack.html Hopefully article this could be useful.

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