Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Chaos, What is it.... Jack Milton - hallo my brother astral treveler in this world, This time we will give the article titled: Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Chaos, What is it.... Jack Milton, This article contains knowledge about the world and the spiritual world and its astral metaphysical thing. Let us begin to tell you about the astral world.

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Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Chaos, What is it.... Jack Milton

Article alura cein, Article chaos, Article consciousness, Article creation, Article Energy, Article heaven, Article intelligence, Article light, Article plasma, Article primordial, Article science, Article universe, Article wisdom,

Alter egos, and duality are a thing of question, in spirituality, if you are a high level initiate. many say Earth is the only place where duality exits, and this is untrue. While some believe that places exist without negativity, certainly there are are some. But any with both. There are some too, that  contain only positive, some only negative, but in the Universe, it is mixed, as it is in the Earth's spheres. Two forces that come together to build the universe. 

But, would that not mean that the darkness came first? Of course... In that you know that the void  has helped in creating,allowing "Let the be light", to be the magic that came to life. And so it was. Who is Chaos? All energy no matter the form is spiritual, and the light is a body so big it is incomprehensible. Chaos is the same size. Equal in size one of stretched out, while the other fills in the emptiness.. Source and chaos are within one another. One can not exist without the other. but many like to say that "There is no duality" in the heavens. "The chaos or darkness is bad". None of that is true. Instead what it is, is Primordial. Necessary, and crucial to existence. There is non-duality, only when you go within one or the other. For example, if you go into the light, then you not experience the duality then, as you would only know light, and see everything from the light's perspective. It is the same way vice versa. In dark, you would see from it's perspective. 

That is why, when I say, I do not see negativity being an angel soul, I only see what it really is, beyond human comprehension, That there is a fading, absence, or lack of light. In that, being of the light, I feel compassion, and sympathy. But who again is the Chaos? We know there are many "Sources", but technically, what is beyond just those? Who made Chaos, and the Light? I spoke of this in another video of mine. We live in a living being, the Universe.. It is a great mind, and the light is a deep thought signal being dispersed in the "blank slate", "void", "cave of treasures" or "chaos". Chaos has many definitions and many apply.  It can mean in physics, that the behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions. And it is. Due to the thoughts coming out of no where into it, creation is also random. It has the sensitivity to the conditions, as in, it adapts quickly to meet the creation of the thought. It also is defined as:complete disarray, disorder and confusion.. Which we know is how it behaves. 

With the light to join it, it is in the "dark" otherwise...confused and without purpose, as the mind is meant to exist with thoughts in it., However, the two forces, are beings themselves. There were many names given to it but Chaos has been called Erebos. Kaukut  represented Chaos to the Egyptians. They called Chaos, The Void,  in Christianity, but  Christianity made people fear the dark chaos, so that they would only look for the light. But then, they played a reverse psychological game, by claiming the light was evil, through a figure called the light bearer, and then imposed some of their agenda and teachings masked and disguised behind the identity of the light. They made the chaos look evil, and like a form of destructive energy, and even though it is, being as strong as it is, it is needed for the destroying the old, to make the new. In black holes, they are sucking in old planets, stars, matter, and energies, so that they can be born on the other side as the DNA of the old stuff is cycled out the other side, into a whole new universe. It is an even exchange. That DNA so to speak will create new stuff while mixing with the DNA of that other Universe, and new species, planets and stars, even Universes are born.But keep in mind it is all just thoughts. Black holes are really just arteries, taking it into a new part of the body of the God of Entirety, or it is passing from the body somehow into another life form it is creating in that larger Universe outward. But in other words, Chaos is needed for the creation process as all light infinite, it never dies, but it does need to be broken down, and then rejoined together, to make new things.

It is very complicated, but at least we are getting a start  here. And, it shows that you do not have to fear the chaos, in fact as you, and everything in existence carry a part of chaos within, and amplify it each time in this world, as sometimes your mind can become confused. Here in planet Earth's atmosphere, the powers have taken the meaning of chaos to a whole other level, by placing duality so out of balance. Negativity is necessary , as negative and positive reflect off of one another for learning. But, it was never meant to be at such an unbalanced degree. No, not at all. and planet earth is one of two places int he cosmos that are so imbalance, and corrupt. Other places know negativity but in another way, they know in seeing strong masculine energy. Logic...Wisdom. Building and Mastery. That is why the Freemasons are so obsessed with it. They want to be master scientists and builders as our creator is, so they can too be mini gods in their world.

In this knowledge now, Chaos is a being too, just as the light is, and all energies in creation are.. They are merely just replications of  one another to the smallest degree. If you are made of light you will see only light.. If you came forth from chaos, then you will experience only one obstacle after the other, and hardship after hardship. This is what I know from my experiences in the heavens, and if science could for one minute acknowledge how energy is intelligence, that the intelligence of energy is in fact spirit, they would have made a breakthrough in finding the Creator indeed, but they want to disprove the idea of a Creator instead. Shame on them, as they know in their hearts upon the wonderful intricacy of the design and miracle that is  "existence", that the Creator is real, but for their own agendas they will never try to say. They themselves, wish to be looked at as gods, replicating the creator;s ideas, and taking credit of it for themselves... If you ask me, that in itself is Chaos, in the most unbalanced way..

Thus the article Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Chaos, What is it.... Jack Milton

article telling you about Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Chaos, What is it.... Jack Milton, I hope the article can make you know more about the astral world and the metaphysical.

You 're reading an article Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Chaos, What is it.... Jack Milton and this article url permalinknya is https://jackastraltraveler.blogspot.com/2016/05/information-about-do-astral-projection_26.html Hopefully article this could be useful.

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