theme : Information about Astral Projection: Light- Everything in Existence. Jack Milton
title article : Information about Astral Projection: Light- Everything in Existence. Jack Milton
Information about Astral Projection: Light- Everything in Existence. Jack Milton
Article alura cein, Article Angels, Article atoms, Article Awakening, Article consciousness, Article creation, Article DNA, Article Energy, Article god, Article holographic, Article illusion, Article light, Article neutrons, Article programming, Article protons, Article spirit, Article universe,I talk so much about angels, as it makes sense because of myself being one, and having met a couple here in this world. I want to now band together with them, as a leader and teacher, towards something huge. But for now, I will keep informing the masses. This article will be about, in the beginning.
In the beginning, the Creator said "Let there be light", but what did it mean? Bible writers only elaborate so much behind their symbolism, and many think it had only to do with the day and night factor. No, the light, was the energy, in each thing manifested into creation. Everything in history was put there as so. Nothing evolved, nothing grew. They use evolution to disprove a creator, but there is one. Only science is proving it while disproving, as they show an intricate design. The energy in all physics and light is the Creator itself, on so many levels from macro to micro, from alpha, to omega. Look at the names for instance. Adam and Eve. The Creator used light energy to make this world, and the beings in it. Star beings came here to assist int he development too. To enhance the consciousness. But the civilizations, were already here, manifested, projected. They never evolved. Just like a dream with scenery already in it, the creator's plan took root. The light within the dream made it visible. Then, the grand delusion set in. People became trapped in the dream, like sims in a game reality. The gamers equaled to the higher selves. They put the intelligence in, they put the plans in, and the avatars were to live them out, for all of the higher selves in the collective, all of those mighty higher selves meditating in trance, projecting the dreams together. But think of it.. This is why you can't remember yesterday as well. Try to look at your childhood, and see it is blurry. Because it was not real. It was a dream fo the higher self.
There was a family of beings made here in the beginning, and the names Adam and Eve were symbolic for Atom or Adam = to make., And also for Eve, meaning "to make life". Put them together, and you get "To make life". What made life though? Neutrons, protons, electrons, and matter with the void of emptiness, and well established within the great mind of the "Oneness". All of those parts together, created light, and made the 3D world around us. Everything we observe around us, is thought. All exists through energy and light. In that light, our holographic world, took its position. The I AM, in Judaism, something created from nothing. All of the DNA and codes in the Universe made, from the thought of the "one". Atoms made by the seed of life being created from the neutron, proton, and electron orbiting matter. The solar system is a huge atom. Adam, to make, and Eve is emitting the light, to bring to life. Life is imagery within an environment. All together it all makes "the light bringer". The bringer of light, comes from the atoms within the thought. Then in this world, a hypnotic trance took place, as the life here started to use the light to vibrate and think, energy is light, light is consciousness, consciousness is thought., Knowledge, dreams, and projecting them into this world around us. At first, no one knew how to do this, as everything was manifested here already for them. But as time went by the first people, wanted to build the world around them. The angels, messengers who have access to hacking into the holographic world around us, taught them, reproducing and filling the space, as it would take more then just a few to project an entire world. All higher selves would have to . The delusion go set into place. Everything here is just a projection of vibrating light particles. The whole body an image of the smaller.Bigger and bigger, until it is seen, and the particles slowed down at the perfect rate to be visible too. The eye of Horus then took its position as the all seeing eye, because it is the formula for existence.. The formula for the middle of the seed of life, the Vesica Pisces,. This Vesica Pisces within the joining of atoms. Those atoms in the brain.
The brain housing electric firing of the neutrons inside, within the liquid prism of our mind. The light with shape, sound and color,.. the crystal brain. 400 billion per second in the subconscious mind, by the time it comes to the conscious mind, processing what it needs to experience this reality. The mind manifesting what it focuses on. All is light. In the Pineal gland, the all seeing eye of the human brain. Hyper-dimensional water is what the spirit is made of. Someone called it plasma. I agree. All is liquid, within the prism, and the atoms making the light that shines through. All universes of their own. All souls themselves, with more inside. Some would say there is no creator, but would not say that maybe those people can not wrap their intelligent but small earthly minds around the bigger picture? That they can not bring themselves to say that all consciousness is intelligence? Intelligence that is all connected together through the DNA, and DNA being in the air, the trees, people, animals, all on the same awareness, only different information in it.? It is true. anything that exists, atoms, and so on, has its own genetic code for this experience. The airways around us, the realms, are just ether realms of thoughts. Those thought forms are spirit. Light.
For more truth, please enroll in my Truthology course at www.aluraspiritualservices,com. Learn the truth, and then take my course int he how use that truth in manifesting your own dreams. Hijack the reality back, and make life as you really want it. However, use the course for the right reasons. Many would take it, (no one that is in it now), but there are others out there who would use it for selfish means. Instead, if you come for the course, use it for your love of the Creator, to reconnect and then after that worry about manifestation.. That is how to get the best results.
Thus the article Information about Astral Projection: Light- Everything in Existence. Jack Milton
article telling you about Information about Astral Projection: Light- Everything in Existence. Jack Milton, I hope the article can make you know more about the astral world and the metaphysical.
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Tag : alura cein, Angels, atoms, Awakening, consciousness, creation, DNA, Energy, god, holographic, illusion, light, neutrons, programming, protons, spirit, universe,
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