Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Psychic Attack in astral projection -Jack Milton - hallo my brother astral treveler in this world, This time we will give the article titled: Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Psychic Attack in astral projection -Jack Milton, This article contains knowledge about the world and the spiritual world and its astral metaphysical thing. Let us begin to tell you about the astral world.

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Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Psychic Attack in astral projection -Jack Milton

Article alura cein, Article attachment, Article attack, Article bad, Article demon, Article Energy, Article entity, Article fractal cage, Article negative, Article parasitic, Article psychic, Article spirit,

Psychic Attacks, a subject well known, but not all information is out there about. I want to shed light on the subject....

The word psychic has many meanings, one of them, is "of mind or spirit". Therefore a psychic attack, is one of mind or spirit. In this, many things are could be causing it, but only one thing is happening. You are being attacked. 

What causes it:
Well, from something as small as someone giving you a dirty look, to things like, jealousy, competition, anger, resentment, ill wishing, hatred, misjudging are all bringers of psychic attacks. To bigger things like family generational spirits that do not want to see you succeed, rituals being performed to bring you down, or negative thoughts someone is having over you. Even sexual thoughts, without your permission can send you a whopping load of negative energy, if it is not wanted.

What does it affect?
Psychic attacks can effect your physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional health. They can also effect your situations too. Bringing you bad luck, trouble moving ahead, keeping you in your fears, and self doubt. They can also attack people in your inner circle too. If you do not have a fractal cage of protection, then it is certain that negative energy will go for those in your life, through arguments, infidelity, money troubles, family conflict, depression in family, addiction, abuse, control, manipulation, and feeling stuck, all to effect your surroundings to stir up emotions in you from within the fractal cage. This is what spirit calls "a loop hole". If not directly, they will another way. That is when you know it is serious.  That is when you need help, another form of protection needs to go on those you love, the atmosphere, and you need to ultimately remove the spirit causing it.

Kinds of attacks
There are all kinds as I have listed, but mainly psychic attacks are not from psychics. It can be from anyone without them even realizing they are doing it. You may not even realize it is happening until brought to your attention. Energy is consciousness, consciousness is thought. Thought is spirit, because consciousness is spirit.  So all attacks come in spirit and thought forms.  With many layers in your aura, and a ketheric template, the thought forms can latch onto any area or layer, and affect it. Then eat a hole down into the layer, into other ones. Astral entities, demons, Jinn, parasitic entities, E.T energy, government energy, spiritual spies, other people, and lost souls, can all be responsible for these attacks. If one is sent with the negative thought energy, it can become attached to one of your spiritual bodies, and eventually all of them. In my photo, I show you a lightbody, in its own aura and ketheric template with the negative energy directed toward it with parasitic entities latching on to the natural grid a person has. That is how it is done. No one wants a leech carried around in its aura with them everywhere that they go, and once latched on, they are hard to get rid of. You can sage all you want, and it will not get rid of it, it may prevent them, but not get rid of one that is already there. No matter what is attacked, from who, or how, you have to get rid of these attacks, and the spirits that come with them. Why?

Why is it imperative to clear?
First of all, if you leave it, you will get sick, and it will steal away the light in your light body. Most of these energies are dark, and dark absorbs light. That is why witches wear black so much, to draw light to themselves. The more light they absorb, the bigger they get, and some can get so large that they can split and latch onto someone in your home with you. At a latter time, everyone will be attacked. This is terrible, bring really awful results. I once knew a family who was overladen with them. In this, they ended up having a lot of family issues. Depression, hypochondriasis, infidelity, addiction, promiscuity, anger, grief, and a dark cloud surrounded them. For may years they had bad luck, after bad luck, until  removed it all from each of them. One of them though, did not believe in the fractal cage I placed on them, and they did not keep it in mind that they had one, so it drew the energy back to them. A person has to believe and have faith in the help, and if the person has evil in them themself, the cage will not last.

Symptoms of an attack:
1. Headaches (could be something else)
2. Lack of confidence
3. Self doubt
4. Allowing yourself to be controlled
5. Hot flashes
6. Some get chills
7. Feeling hung over without having drank or used anything
8. Trouble sleeping
9. Bad dreams that are about entities pulling you out of body
10. Bad luck
11. Depression
12. Feeling a sense of impending doom
13. Feeling like life is over, but not knowing why
14. Everyone around you seems lifeless, emotionless
15. No one is excited about life
16. No one seems happy for you
17. Stomach ache and nausea
18. Colitis
19. Not getting ahead with plans or dreams
20. Financial issues
21. Feeling tired all of the time
22. A feeling like "You are dying"
23. A sense of sadness and like the world is fake
24. Not wanting to be social or go out
25. Withdraw from people and interests
26. Slipping on spiritual exercises
27. Difficulty praying, losing focus during prayer
28. Being bored with life
29. Sense of "someone" watching  or a presence when alone
30. Seeing blacks spots in the atmosphere.

Those are the symptoms, and the definition. If you have any of them, be sure to seek out professional help. It can lead to some pretty bad things later on in the future. These happen everyday, and some people confuse it with bad luck, or dysfunctional family issues, But is could very well be spiritual. Look into it is all I can advise, never assume anything and have someone you trust as your spiritual adviser, have a look and then take their advice.

Thus the article Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Psychic Attack in astral projection -Jack Milton

article telling you about Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Psychic Attack in astral projection -Jack Milton, I hope the article can make you know more about the astral world and the metaphysical.

You 're reading an article Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Psychic Attack in astral projection -Jack Milton and this article url permalinknya is https://jackastraltraveler.blogspot.com/2016/05/information-about-do-astral-projection_22.html Hopefully article this could be useful.

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  1. Omg. I'm dealing with most of symptoms that are mentioned here


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