Information about Astral Projection: Aquila- Race of Beings and Visitation. Jack Milton - hallo my brother astral treveler in this world, This time we will give the article titled: Information about Astral Projection: Aquila- Race of Beings and Visitation. Jack Milton, This article contains knowledge about the world and the spiritual world and its astral metaphysical thing. Let us begin to tell you about the astral world.

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Information about Astral Projection: Aquila- Race of Beings and Visitation. Jack Milton

Article aliens, Article Angels, Article aquila, Article consciousness, Article extraterrestrial, Article kikwai, Article new age, Article race, Article stars, Article starseeds, Article ufo, Article visitation,

The Kikawi-ka, another race of beings I have come to present to you all here on earth, and there are many more. Some, even stranger looking. but all beautiful in their strangeness. Icrit,a Bird humanoid being from Aquila, came to me last night briefly as he was exploring earth. In his dark ship, he was disguised in the dark of the night. No lights, no sound. "Kew kechnology Kalura". He tried so hard to say my name, but the heavy "Ka" sounds in their language made it hard. I couldn't help but giggle at him, as he stood looking like, I was the strange one.

I will translate the conversation for you all, but to be honest, I stood before this being, in the middle of the night, at first afraid at his intrusion, but then..looking at him not as a threat, but an enormous pet. I wanted to cuddle him, as he was so cute. Even though he was dressed in his armour, looking fierce, against any human attackers who may be scared by his pressence, I certainly wasn't. A fluffy bird, who happened to have a human looking form .. No. I was not scared.. So he asked me what I was smiling at.. I told him, "forgive me Icrit, I am just an animal lover, and out of all of the beings that I have come to meet, you are the cutest". He blushed, but then got defensive. "I am not cute, I am strong and intimidating". My goodness... Okay, if that is what he wished to believe. "You are young in your home, are you not"? I asked him.. "Yes how did you know"?... "Just a good guess I told him". He wanted to talk, to find out all he could about earth, he wanted to tell me all about the war on his planet, but he was having trouble. At times he sounded like he was choking as he spoke. I asked what was happening. He said it was earth's air, harsh, and thick. I told him "I know, I have trouble too, coughing all of the time, scratchy voice and throat", I said.. I told him who and what I was, and how earth life was poisonous to me as well." he seemed to feel pity." I do not have long," he said.

 So we talked.  He told me he was looking for our leader at first, to find someone who could help fight the felines and rid his planet for good, for them all. But, he ended up seeing a huge beam of light that he followed. He said it had led him to me. "Do you know you have such a huge beam of light around you, that reaches in the sky and higher?" He asked me. I shook my head yes, and told him, I would explain but wanted to hear what he had to say first. He continued, telling me that he saw some aircrafts on his way in that seemed to be hostile towards him. I told him that was how our government was. Attacking the innocent, or the foreign.. without cause. He told me he was glad to not find our leader after all. He also told me why he was here, and what he was hoping to do. Then, he crouched down to look at my pet parakeets. 

"Why are they in a cage?"he asked, "I do not keep them in the cage, they just sleep there for their protection, and come out during the day." I replied.  "What are they being protected from", he asked puzzled... "My cats"... "Whattttt!", he exclaimed. He was jumping around, looking from left to right, in front and behind. "Whats wrong Icrit"? I asked him, touching his shoulder to sooth him... "The cats have given us much distress on my planet, war after war.", he explained, still startled and looking for his believed, near by enemy.  I told him "No, these are not the same, cats here are on four legs, small and would be afraid of you,  I asked him, would you want to see one"? "Oh no.. not at all.." Icrit replied. "Eh, cmon, let me show you, its okay, really, nothing to fear", I reassured. I stepped out in to the hall to find my kitty Boo Boo. I picked her up in the usual Baby carrying manner as she loves.  I took her in to see Icrit, who looked down at this tiny version of his enemy. "Hahahahah,,", he laughed, deep from the belly. "Your not so tough now are you?" He said, directing his sarcasm to my cat. "See Icrit, she's nice". He reached down to pet her as I was, and Boo Boo's fur stood on all ends, and she bolted out of the room, to hide in some other part of the house.

"She is scared of you", I said with a smirk. I knew this would flatter his ego, since he had so much trouble with the felines in his world, and he was a youngster, still trying to prove his warrior status. ... "Serves her right", Icrit proudly proclaimed... Then we sat to speak on his life. I told him about earth, the animals here, I went into the beginning of things on this planet, and what was happening now. I told him about my life in heaven too. Then he told me stories of his world.. How they were always at war with a race of felines who came from another star system. How they had to reinforce their world with a dark iron metal, their buildings made of this, and how he felt it was dark and ugly, having the dark iron  structures, in what he said, was a paradise. He told me of his want to find a new place for his people, but earth would not be  the one. He did not like the air or busy atmosphere of our planet. So he would go to look for another. After awhile, he starting coughing again. "You better go Icrit, the air seems to be affecting you badly now".. I told him with a concerned motherly voice. I was disappointed to see him go, but knew he had to.

 "Yes, I should, but it was wonderful to meet a human angel. I will tell my people all about you, and what you have taught me, I appreciate your kind reception, and hospitality Kalura"... At that, he went on his ship, and left, in a blink, he was gone..

The Kikawi-ka's, a race of bird-like beings from Aquila. Many called Aquila, Aquila, as they thought it looked like an eagle. In the Greek worship of Zeus, they named this place after his own eagle. But in fact, close up, as Icrit communicated by word, and by telepathy, he showed me it is not an eagle at all. It is parrot. Icrit told me there are ten planets all together. Although our astronomers say 9. Icrit showed me a world that was beautiful, paradise, with red skies, and desert land. He showed me the iron city floating in the backdrop of the red sky, with an old city on the ground, evacuated due to the dangers of the felines who land there to fight these peaceful beings. I liked Icrit. Even in his strong heavy Ka, accent, I understood him, and loved how he pretended to be tough, but was really just a sweet being, afraid in a new world. I think Boo Boo will never forget her encounter with Icrit. That's for sure. She is still hiding this morning! I will speak to Icrit again in the future, as he promised to come back to visit every so often. I really made a new friend in him. I now have many from all over the Universe. But, this one, I have to say, was adorable. Of course, at first i was taken aback when I first saw this large birdman, in the darkness of my room, but I have gotten use to the shock factor of extraordinary visitors popping up. After all, if I do not have other worldly races appearing, I'll have spirits, and angels, of all types intruding on me in the day and night. This is the exciting life I live!

Thus the article Information about Astral Projection: Aquila- Race of Beings and Visitation. Jack Milton

article telling you about Information about Astral Projection: Aquila- Race of Beings and Visitation. Jack Milton, I hope the article can make you know more about the astral world and the metaphysical.

You 're reading an article Information about Astral Projection: Aquila- Race of Beings and Visitation. Jack Milton and this article url permalinknya is https://jackastraltraveler.blogspot.com/2016/05/information-about-astral-projection_14.html Hopefully article this could be useful.

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