Information about Astral Projection: Angel Mitzvahael. Jack Milton - hallo my brother astral treveler in this world, This time we will give the article titled: Information about Astral Projection: Angel Mitzvahael. Jack Milton, This article contains knowledge about the world and the spiritual world and its astral metaphysical thing. Let us begin to tell you about the astral world.

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Information about Astral Projection: Angel Mitzvahael. Jack Milton

Article alura cein, Article angles, Article ascension, Article Awakening, Article creator, Article god, Article love, Article mitzvahael, Article moses, Article ten commandments, Article truth, Article universal laws,

What ever happened to Moses? The Law giver?  That day that he went up to Mt. Sinai, and never came down? The day that the Creator, "just took him"? Well, he was taken the same way Enoch was, before him. And the same way Elijah was later on. Enoch went on to become Metatron, and Elijah, Sandalphon. But they failed to inform anyone on where Moses went to...

Moses became a part of the order, as he ascended, he went into the UV Ray of supreme light, which is why his face and hair turned white, the first time he interacted with the Creator. He was already anointed to become a part of the hierarchy. As Enoch took over  Blueprints, Moses took on the laws inside of the blueprints. To help keep the natural order of creation, while Enoch went on to protect and safeguard the grand design. He became the Angel Mitzvahael (Mit- Sav-Vay-El), "The Law of God." Last night, I was taken to the realm, as I myself have now ascended. Although I feel stuck in this fleshly suit, and more claustrophobic than ever, I find it so liberating spiritually. Speaking with my brethren, he told me, ""Alariel, feature me on Earth in your inscription, tell the people what I say It seems they have forgotten all about me...". So I am here to do so...

Angel Mitzvahael says, "Keep the natural laws of earth, of tender kindness to its life forms, preserve the animals, the trees, the waters. They are all a part of what makes the life there beautiful. But those things have been greatly neglected, abused, and even destroyed. I know that some of you out there, would love to make all of the difference. Those of you who promote places that are saving animals, and the landscape, and I thank you. We do need more to do so as well however. I wish for the love to be restored there, and for all life to be treated equal to one another, even the fish, animals, vegetation, and humans. All as one, and all equally important. But, the human rulers there, have taken charge, killing animals as they kill the natural habitats that they live in. Soon, many species of animals will cease to exist, and then.. mankind will be next. It is like Alariel says to her followers there on earth, How can people get Holy advice directly, after years of praying for it, for answers from the most high, and not care to follow through? To ignore it? All advice provided is to save first yourself, to become the change, the difference, in this world, and then go on to help others to do so as well. Then the circle of light expands, and one day over throws the "dark network" or rulers here, to finally reclaim the Earth for all of goodness sake. The Universal laws are higher of course. They must first be applied. Then to live by the Natural Earthly Laws as well, this is what will save the planet. But how many say Do not litter, but do so anyway? How many say the one universal law most important, is to love? But, then compete against their fellow in light? Hypocrisy...

Keep in mind the laws of the Universe:
The laws of Divine oneness- we are all connected through the one, although looking separate, we are all in the great network of light, but yet I see segregation and cliques going on there on earth, in those who make "their own networks" outcasting others not considered in their inner circle... The elite, the Galatic Federations, and others..

The law of  Vibration-  Everything is light, light is energy, energy is consciousness, and consciousness is spirit. From the seen and the unseen, from the alpha to the omega, Macro and micro.. All can be converted into sound, and math, and shapes. So, all things in existence are vibration, working with other vibrations. Respect this, in your thoughts, actions, and words, even in your feelings. Perfect them.. All that you are, effects all that they are..

The law of Action-  Back up your words , thoughts, and feelings with actions, but make sure they are all in agreement with one another, to manifest perfect things..

The law of Correspondence- Always keep in mind that we all support one another's existence in some way.. It is an even exchange in this network..

The law of Attraction-What you truly think of, even in the depths of your subconscious, come into life. be careful and cleanse this area out. Perfect yourself, to attract perfected things into life.. Otherwise, whatever comes to you, is a result of your own doing..

The law of cause and effect- What you sow you shall reap. Yes Karma shall prevail!

The law of compensation- If you receive, in turn you must give.. What you put into the universe, you will get back, so let you giving be pure, selfless, and noble, if that is what you want back. Give unto others what you wish for others to give unto you.. Never take, without giving in return..

The law of relativity- Learn the lessons in your polarity. Negative is positive, and sometimes, positive can be negative, but there is always a higher learning in all of these things...

The law of polarity- All things reflect something to you. The bad is to teach what not to do, or who not to be, or how to use the lesson to help others in the same situation, once you make your way out by understanding. The lesson is meant for you, and then for someone else, going back to the laws of correspondence, and relativity.

The law of perpetual transmutation of energy-  Create your own reality by change, and change is performed by applying all of these laws.

The law of rhythm-  Learn how to go above and beyond the rhythms, in the way that you view life...

The law of gender- As Alura has said time and time again, gender is not by the flesh, but by perception, learning to excel in the mental processes, and in the emotions, then to one day match them to one another...

If you all can apply these laws, then certainly you will have made the Creator proud, in showing your wisdom, and your growth through understanding... This will save the planet.. But also follow the laws of the planet too, to make life here more enjoyable..

1. Do not kill- Killing is diminishing one's existence early, and causes them to miss out on the lessons they were sent to learn. It prohibits them and holds them back in the soul development process, yes, even animals...

2. Do not steal- Stealing takes from someone who has mastered a trade or thought, and brought into reality. This also sets them back, and brings their countenance down, as they lose a part of what they worked hard for...

3. Do not lie- Deception is misleading, and we are to lead in spirit and truth, as the spirit is the truth.

4. Do not covet- Wanting what another person has leads a person to go outside of who they are, to reach for who another person is, or what is meant for another person.. How can one find themself, if focusing one someone else's path, looks, or belongings?

5. Honour your parents- This is because your programming comes from them, and in short, you have a bit of each. Having lived it first, they will know how to work with it...

6. Do not commit adultery- This is exchanging energy with others. If those people have issues, or negatives in their energies and programming, through a soul tie, you bring that into yourself and your own energy. This gets shared with your spouse, bringing them these negatives as well. The spirits brought in through adultery could wreck havoc on the person's life, and then you are guilty of spiritually imprisoning your spouse, with negative beings passed in this tie. It also hurts their hearts, makes them question themselves, and through the lack of confidence, you could set their path backwards..

7. Have no other Gods before the True God- This means that you shall only worship in spirit and in truth. As lying is joining forces with the workers of inequity and lawlessness. Loving money, ego, material possessions,  it all distracts you from your awakening, and love of the divine. Therefore, if you love those other things, you will become earthbound, instead of heaven saved.

8. Do not make idols- Let your teachers be your teachers, let them pave the way, but ultimately, you will use your own way of perceiving the teachings to then teach others, because once you learn, your new perception then helps more new learning to come out. Also, idols will also distract you from spiritual treasures and things.

9. Do not take the name of God in vain-  Since the Holy name of the Creator is ineffable, this law was misperceived. Taking the name in vain, has another meaning. Sound is energy, energy is vibration, vibration is a spiritual essence. Vain, means being negative or egotistical. Speak positively, so that positive vibrations go out into the airways. That in turn will effect mankind and all life, in a positive way. (Why else do you think they have put so much negative information out there?, To affect you all with bad vibrations).

10. Remember the Sabbath-  Always keep time to meditate and go inward, instead of constantly being without in the reality. Time within, helps you to stay connected to the divine...

11. Do not bare false witness against your brother- This is indication of always being honest and helping your fellow man, instead of saving one's self through lies... It makes others direct negative energy towards the innocent, and draws negative karma towards yourself. What is done in secret, comes out in the light...

12. Honour all life- Care for those all around you, love one another as the Creator loves you...

In keeping all of these laws, you shall bring the kingdom of heaven to earth, renewing the ways of life there, and making the world, and its inhabitants, ascend.....

 I am most glad to be heard, and give a new light to these laws. As they were greatly misunderstood when I first brought them. Most of them have been broken, and even your lawgivers, are trying to abdicate them. In your love, and lives as lightworkers, reinstate them and find the dream of a new world, not merely a dream, but in fact a reality coming alive all around you.Farewell children of the earth, and of the Universe. We shall speak again."

Angel Mitzvahael (Also known in human form, Moses)

 Great message!.. Moses, or Angel Mitzvahael was taken to the heavens, and given his Holy position as an Arch, and cares diligently for the keeping of the laws from the angelic realms, spread into all realities in the Universe. My biggest hope is that they all become fervently followed here, once again.. For the awakening, ascension, and preservation of all life here... Thanks everyone, I hope you enjoyed this channeled message. If you want your own personal message from an ascended master, angel, or your guides, please come by my website.. Find out the truth and wisdom that your higher ups, wish to deliver to you! www.aluraspirutalservices.com

Thus the article Information about Astral Projection: Angel Mitzvahael. Jack Milton

article telling you about Information about Astral Projection: Angel Mitzvahael. Jack Milton, I hope the article can make you know more about the astral world and the metaphysical.

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