Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: The Watchers in astral trevel. Jack Milton - hallo my brother astral treveler in this world, This time we will give the article titled: Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: The Watchers in astral trevel. Jack Milton, This article contains knowledge about the world and the spiritual world and its astral metaphysical thing. Let us begin to tell you about the astral world.

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title article : Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: The Watchers in astral trevel. Jack Milton

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Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: The Watchers in astral trevel. Jack Milton

Article aliens, Article alura cein, Article Angels, Article anunmaki, Article archons, Article consciousness, Article grigori, Article nephilim, Article spirit, Article truthology, Article tuatha de dana, Article watchers,

To you the reader, loving greetings, and namaste.. Since early time here on earth, the "Watchers" have been a topic of fear, and occultic teachings everyone.. Who are they? Where are they from? Good questions.. Ancient civilizations seemed to know the answers, and now so can you..

Living in my experience before incarnating into this world, I recall these enormous beings who work for a group of even larger ones, who control domains in the Universe. All over the world there are historical accounts of these beings. Some of which they have been called, The Watchers, Los Vigilantes, Nephilim, The Elohim, The Anunnaki, Igigi, Tuatha De Danaan (my family lineage), Giants, Egregoroi, Neteru, Urshu, The Shining Ones, The Devas, The WingMakers, The Central Race, and of course...The Falling Angels. Many names, for the many peoples, who encountered interaction with them. It was frightening. In my ancestor's stories, they passed down stories of their even distant ancestors, who they called "The Gods".  They were called the "Children of Danu, or Dana." Yes, sadly I have nephilim blood, but do not judge me yet. As with all, people, genders, races, there are good and bad. If not, many of these so called Gods, would not have been loved and respected so much, in comparison to the ones that they feared..

In those stories were truthful tales of ancient relatives who, needed a miracle or favor, and they would go to their "Gods", and give offerings, have a party, and celebrate the knowing in advance, that they could rely on them for help. The Watchers, are multi-faceted beings. Not only do they 'watch' your workings, they are the guardians of the Air of that specific direction, and they guard their portals between the Worlds. They are the intermediaries between Gods and humans.  So not all of them are bad. The word Archon, means "Lord". Lords of the watchtowers, and of the principalities, and dominions. Angels are  archons.  I personally believe that the Watchers will watch over those who are initiated a lot, but they look out for everyone. Everyone in this world is cared for. Those initiated,  do have access  to them more..

Some Strega agree. They believe that their actions within the ritual space are going to be viewed and 'judged' in a different way, because they have gone through the initiation process and have bonded with the Watchers. I believe you bond with the Grigori/Watchers/Keepers over a period of time... like you do with friends.  However, having psychic powers and abilities does make the communication with them easier, and the relationship is bonded quicker and more strongly. A lot of it has to do with the vibration of your consciousness. Archons, are highly vibrating entities, huge in their size, and those who have had access to them, have been seers, prophets, and other incarnated angels. This is their way of communicating with those who can not reach them, themselves. The medium will get the message across for them. You have to have a high vibration yourself, to reach their level of consciousness to communicate, as with any spirit. The larger it is, the more energy you need. 

In those stories, there is one passed down through my family, they spoke of a woman who incarnated into the family. Her name was  Macha. Macha is the most fascinating. This legend consists of a woman of divine, who marries a widower, his name was Crunniuc. She was a skilled runner, and her husband brags to the king, Conchobor, that she can outrun his horses. Irritated by his boasting, the king forces Macha to race his horses, even though she is very pregnant, close to giving birth. She pleads for a postponement of the bet, but the king will not concede.  So, she goes to the fields of Elador, now called Emain Macha for this legend, and she prays to the Mother God, for assistance to win, and then to avenge. Her unborn were at risk, and she was greatly disrespected being a goddess incarnate, to had been ordered to do anything.. But whenever an important soul from a higher rank is born, to it's people, they do not realize the divine within and reject it. The Goddess above, answers the incarnated Goddess below, helping her carry out the judgement after the race is done.

Macha races and ends up outrunning the king's horses.This victory is immediately followed by the birth of her twins, and her death soon follows. Before she dies, however, she puts a blessing and a curse on the Ulster men, each symbolized by a twin.  The blessing is that Ulster's warriors would be bestowed with great strength and power. However, the curse is that in their time of greatest crisis, the Ulstermen would be struck down and become as weak and incapacitated as a woman in childbirth.   While taking her last breath, she thanks the Goddess who helped her..

The people, in an effort to alleviate the curse and appease Macha's spirit, named the site Emain Macha ("twins of Macha").This curse comes to fruition many years later when the greedy warrior queen of the West, Maeve, attacks Emain Macha in an attempt to steal Ulster's most prized possession,  the Brown Bull of Cooley. She attacks, and all of Ulster's warriors, except one man, are unable to fight because of the curse. The only man exempt from the curse is Cuchullain and with great effort he is able to defeat Queen Maeve and her entire army. 

 Macha had cursed the  all of those women who were at the race that day, who did not help her when she went in labor, that they will give birth to twins in generations to come, due to the hard labor that comes with it, and also a new soul to represent her in the set of twins each set.My family has over a dozen set of twins.  Next to this, they told us about the giants who walked the land in those days. Huge beings that built the mountains and placed the stars in the sky themselves. 

In Ancient Egypt, Egyptians wrote they came to Egypt from Ta-Ur, the 'Far/Foreign Land'. The Egyptian term 'Neteru' means 'guardians'. The Watchers were a specific race of divine beings known in Hebrew as 'nun resh ayin' or 'irin' meaning 'those who watch' or 'those who are awake', which is translated into Greek as egregoris or grigori, meaning 'watchers'.

Even the early books of the Bible speak of some vague heavenly beings called malochim (singular, malach). Although malach, is usually translated 'angel', its literal meaning is 'messenger. It says in the Dead Sea Scrolls: "In the days of Jared', two hundred Watchers 'descended' on 'Ardis', the summit of Mount Hermon". This is a mythical location, equated with the triple peak of Jebelesh Sheikh (9,200 feet), placed in the most northerly region of ancient Palestine. On this mountain the Watchers swear an oath and bind themselves by 'mutual imprecations', apparently knowing full well the consequences their actions will have both for themselves and for humanity as a whole. It is a pact commemorated in the name given to the place of their 'fall', for in Hebrew the word Hermon, or harem, translates as 'curse''. 'In time, each of the 200 took an earthly spouses. 

These unions produced children of extraordinary size, who quickly devoured the world's food. To satisfy their enormous appetites, the angel-children roamed the earth, slaughtering every species of bird, beast, reptile and fish. Finally, the ravenous creatures turned on one another. As this wave of destruction washed over the earth, the anguished cries of humankind reached four powerful Archangels - Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, and Michael, who upon orders from God, enacted a swift retribution.

The stories could go on and on, but the point is, that there are good and bad in all things. Some of the good Watchers/ Archons include: the Archangels and those in their legions, who were appointed as regent over Earth, Over time, all were associated as bad. Michael, Uriel etc, are considered Archons too. However in my Truthology Course, I get to the truth, and in this, I revealed what happened, and who it was, who misruled earth to its ruin. And it is those Archons that we want to be cast aside. Think of the devastation that they inflicted on the world. War after war corruption, distorted history, lies, deception, disease, hunger, violence, and separation from one another, and spirit. Brainwashing, poverty, and so much more. Its time to reinstate the world back to the original rulers, and rid the air of these beings who work for a negative agenda.. But how?

Love... Love and standing together... is the key. On 9/11, the force and vibration felt from all of the sadness was measurable, on a rictor scale. If emotion can be felt on a seismic level, think of what all of us loving one again can cause? If we unite, rather than continue on in individuals, we can cause a great shift that can eliminate negative archonic rulership, and replace the beings of divine love, back to the throne of this soul called earth. It would heal then. 

In this wisdom, please take your love all of the way and join with as many as you can. The Watchers/Archons  have always played a part. Some good, and others bad, in history, but let us change the future and have only goodness enter back in. A new kingdom on earth, with better, purely intended goodness. The Watchers, Archons, Nephilim, whatever you choose to call them, will not be easy to defeat, but in asking their brethren who is working for the higher good of all, for help.. they will also fight to defeat their kin, so that Earth can heal, and have a 

The Watchers are int the air all around us, too big for normal consciousness to notice, but they are watching. The good, for safety and assistance, and the bad to mislead and control. You can decide whom you want as our rulers, whether putting love back out there on your own part of spreading it.. Or, to allow things to keep going, by continuing to go on with society as it is now in your choices and decisions.. But together we can change it all.

Thus the article Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: The Watchers in astral trevel. Jack Milton

article telling you about Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: The Watchers in astral trevel. Jack Milton, I hope the article can make you know more about the astral world and the metaphysical.

You 're reading an article Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: The Watchers in astral trevel. Jack Milton and this article url permalinknya is https://jackastraltraveler.blogspot.com/2016/05/information-about-do-astral-projection_1.html Hopefully article this could be useful.

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