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Story Explored about lucied dream guide
Article astral projection, Article lucid dream,Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming ( Concerns About Lucid Dreaming: Questions and Answers )
Q. Might lucid dreaming be dangerous for some people?
The overwhelming majority of lucid dreams are positive, rewarding
experiences, much more so than ordinary dreams (to say nothing of nightmares).
Nevertheless, there probably will be some people who find the experience of
lucid dreaming frightening and, in some cases, extremely disturbing. For this
reason we cannot recommend lucid dreaming to everyone. On the other hand, we
are confident that for people no more than “normally neurotic,” lucid dreaming
is completely harmless. Different people will use lucid dreaming for different
purposes; it makes little sense to warn the typical explorer of the dream world
away from lucid dreaming because some might use it in a less than optimal
manner. If, after reading the first six chapters of this book, you have serious
reservations about lucid dreaming, then we recommend that you not continue. “To
thine own self be true.” Just make sure that it is really your self to which
you are being true. Don’t allow others to impose their personal fears on you.
Q. I am afraid that if I learn to induce
lucid dreams, all my dreams will become lucid. Then what will I do?
A. The philosopher P. D. Ouspensky
experienced conflicting emotions regarding “half-dream states, “ as he called
lucid dreams: “The first sensation they produced was one of astonishment. I
expected to find one thing and found another. The next was a feeling of
extraordinary joy which the ‘half-dream states,’ and the possibility of seeing
and understanding things in quite a new way, gave me. And the third was a certain
fear of them, because I very soon noticed that if I let them take their own
course they would begin to grow and expand and encroach both upon sleep and
upon the waking state.”2
I experienced exactly the same fear when I first began
attempting to induce lucid dreams. My efforts were soon met with impressive
success; after a few months, I was having more and more lucid dreams at what
suddenly seemed an alarmingly rapid rate of increase. I became afraid that I
wouldn’t be able to control the process: “What if all my dreams become lucid?
I’m not wise enough to consciously direct all of my dreams. What if I make
mistakes?” And so on.
However, I found that the moment I entertained this
worrisome line of thinking, I stopped having lucid dreams. Upon calm
reflection, I realized that without my consent there was really very little
chance that all my dreams would become lucid. As both Ouspensky and I had
forgotten, lucid dreaming takes effort. Lucid dreams occur only rarely unless
you go to sleep with the deliberate and definite intention to become conscious,
or lucid, in your dreams. Thus, I understood that I would be able to regulate
(and limit, if necessary) the frequency of my lucid dreams. In fact, after a
decade of experience with more than a thousand lucid dreams, I rarely have more
than a few per month unless I have a conscious desire to have more.
Q. Since I believe that dreams are messages from the
unconscious mind, I am afraid that consciously controlling my dreams would
interfere with this important process and deprive me of the benefits of dream
A. As chapter 5 will explain, dreams are
not letters from the unconscious mind, but experiences created through the
interactions of the unconscious and conscious mind. In dreams, more unconscious
knowledge is available to our conscious experience. However, the dream is not
at all the exclusive realm of the unconscious mind. If it were, people would
never remember their dreams, because we do not have waking access to what is
not conscious.
The person, or dream ego, that we experience being in the
dream is the same as our waking consciousness. It constantly influences the
events of the dream through its expectations and biases, just as it does in
waking life. The essential difference in the lucid dream is that the ego is
aware that the experience is a dream. This allows the ego much more freedom of
choice and creative responsibility to find the best way to act in the dream.
I don’t think that you should always be conscious that you
are dreaming any more than I think that you should always be conscious of what
you are doing in waking life. Sometimes self-consciousness can interfere with
effective performance; if you are in a situation (dream or waking) in which
your habits are working smoothly, you don’t need to direct your action
consciously. However, if your habits are taking you in the wrong direction
(whether dreaming or waking), you should be able to “wake up” to what you are
doing wrong and consciously redirect your approach.
As for the benefits of dream interpretation, lucid dreams
can be examined as fruitfully as nonlucid ones. Indeed, lucid dreamers
sometimes interpret their dreams while they are happening. Becoming lucid is
likely to alter what would have otherwise happened, but the dream can still be
Q. Sometimes in lucid dreams I encounter
situations of otherworldliness, accompanied by feelings of the presence of
great power or energy. At these times my consciousness expands far beyond
anything I have experienced in waking life, so that the experience seems much
more real than the reality I know, and I become terrified. I cannot continue
these dreams for fear that I will never awaken from them, since the experience
seems so far out of the realm of waking existence. What would happen if I was
unable to awaken myself from these lucid dreams? Would I die or go mad?
Despite the seemingly horrific nature of this concern, it amounts
to little more than fear of the unknown. There is no evidence that anything you
do in a dream could affect your basic brain physiology in a way that is
harmful. And, as intense as a dream may be, it can’t last any longer than the
natural course of REM periods – at most an hour or so. Of course, since
explorations of the world of dreams have really just begun, there are bound to be
regions as yet uncharted. But you should not fear to pioneer them. The feeling
of intense anxiety that accompanies the sudden onset of strange experiences in
dreams is a natural part of the orientation response: it is adaptive in the
waking world for a creature in a new situation or territory to look first for
danger. However, the fear is not necessarily relevant to what is happening. You
need not fear physical harm in your dreams. When you find yourself in the midst
of a new experience, let go of your fear and just see what happens. (Chapter 10
covers the theory and practice of facing fears in dreams. )
They say that if you die in your dream, you really will die. Is
this true?
A. If it were true, how would anybody
know? There is direct evidence to the contrary: many people have died in their
dreams with no ill effects, according to the reports they gave after waking up
– alive. Moreover, dreams of death can become dreams of rebirth if you let
them, as is illustrated by one of my own dreams. After a mysterious weakness
quickly spread through my whole body, I realized I was about to die of
exhaustion and only had time for one final action. Without hesitation, I
decided that I wanted my last act to be an expression of perfect acceptance. As
I let out my last breath in that spirit, a rainbow flowed out of my heart, and
I awoke ecstatic.3
If I use my lucidity in a dream to manipulate and dominate the
other dream characters, and magically alter the dream environment, won’t I be
making a habit of behavior that is not likely to benefit me in waking life?
A. Chapter 6 discusses an approach to
lucid dreams that will help you establish ways of behaving that will be useful
to you in waking life. This is to control your own actions and reactions in the
dream, and not the other characters and elements of the dream. However, this
does not mean that we believe it harmful if you choose to enjoy yourself by
playing King or Queen of Dreamland. In fact, if you normally feel out of
control of your life, or are an unassertive person, you well may benefit from
the empowered feeling engendered by taking control of the dream.
Won’t all these efforts and exercises for becoming lucid lead to
loss of sleep? And won’t I feel more tired after being awake in my dreams? Is
it worth sacrificing my alertness in the daytime just to have more lucid
Dreaming lucidly is usually just as restful as dreaming
nonlucidly. Since lucid dreams tend to be positive experiences, you may
actually feel invigorated after them. How tired you feel after a dream depends
on what you did in the dream – if you battled endlessly and nonlucidly with
frustrating situations, you probably will feel more tired than if you realized
in the dream that it was a dream and that none of your mundane concerns were
relevant. You should work on learning lucid dreaming when you have time and
energy to devote to the task. The exercises for increasing dream recall and
inducing lucid dreams probably will require that you spend more time awake
during the night than usual, and possibly that you sleep longer hours. If you
are too busy to allot more time to sleeping or to sacrifice any of the little
sleep you are getting, it’s probably not a good idea for you to work on lucid
dreaming right now. Doing so will add to your current stress, and you probably
won’t get very good results. Lucid dreaming, at least at first, requires good
sleep and mental energy for concentration. Once you learn the techniques, you
should be able to get to a point at which you can have lucid dreams any time
you wish just by reminding yourself that you can do so.
Q. I am afraid that I may not have what
it takes to have lucid dreams. What if, after doing all of the exercises you
suggest and devoting a lot of time to it, I still can’t learn to have lucid
dreams? If I put all that time into it, and don’t get any results, I will feel
like a failure.
A. One of the greatest stumbling blocks in learning almost any
skill is trying too hard. This is especially the case with lucid
dreaming, which requires that you sleep well and have a balanced state of mind.
If you find you are losing sleep while struggling to have lucid dreams without
result, let go of your efforts for a while. Relax and forget about lucid
dreaming for a few days or a few weeks. Sometimes you will find that after you
let go, lucid dreams will appear.
Q. Lucid dreams are so exciting and feel
so good that real life pales by comparison. Isn’t it possible to get addicted
to them and not wish to do anything else?
A. It may be possible for the die-hard
escapist whose life is otherwise dull to become obsessed with lucid dreaming.
Whether or not this deserves to be called addiction is another question. In any
case, some advice for those who find the idea of “sleeping their life away” for
the sake of lucid dreaming is to consider applying what they have learned in
lucid dreams to their waking lives. If lucid dreams seem so much more real and
exciting, then this should inspire you to make your life more like your dreams
– more vivid, intense, pleasurable, and rewarding. In both worlds your behavior
strongly influences your experience.
I am currently undergoing psychotherapy. Is it okay for me to try
lucid dreaming? Can it assist in my therapy?
A. If you are in psychotherapy and want
to experiment with lucid dreaming, talk it over with your therapist. Not every
therapist will be well informed about lucid dreaming and its implications for
therapy, so make sure your therapist understands what you are talking about and
is familiar with the current information. Chapters 8, 10, and 11 of this book
offer ideas of how lucid dreaming may be instrumental in psychotherapy. If your
therapist doesn’t think that lucid dreaming would be a good idea for you at this
time, follow his or her advice. If you disagree, you should either trust the
judgment of your current therapist on this issue or find another therapist,
ideally one who knows how to help you to work with your lucid dreams
source by book Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D.
& Howard Rheingold
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