theme : Spiritual of spirit: The Tube of Light. Jack Milton
title article : Spiritual of spirit: The Tube of Light. Jack Milton
Spiritual of spirit: The Tube of Light. Jack Milton
Article alura cein, Article earth, Article Energy, Article free, Article frequency, Article from, Article grid, Article heaven, Article higher self, Article light, Article matrix, Article New world order, Article of, Article raise, Article soul, Article spirituality, Article truth, Article tube, Article vibration,The grid.. it still baffles some that we live in a hologram. But according to physics, it is true.. According to Creation... it is confirmed as well. But still, many ask me, "Ally, why did we all come into a world where there is suffering, and hurt, why would the creator place us in such an environment"? I speak with people who come from different backgrounds every day. Some of their answers for these questions, sound very different. Some, the same. I have heard, "Each person chose their life, even souls in abortion, murder, cancer, and rape." Oh my.. I do not think so... How awful. I think the whole point of manifesting one's reality was a bit misconstrued. No one chooses those things. Actually, they are confusing the idea with the will of the higher self.. The higher selves in the airways, did not choose such situations. They came into this reality with other ideas. Such as: living in a paradise island, as survivors, or, building an awesome castle with fantastic places to make dreams come true, like living as poets, or romance, studies,and great adventures. Some chose to be counselors, but not the kind we have here today,. Instead, these would be advisers, on life situations and what dream to make happen next. Others chose to livein the icey alps, in ice castles, ice skating, and fishing, or some in Egypt in underground caverns exploring inner earth. It is true that there would be some contrast. Of course, what kind of fairy tale would not have the damsel in distress, or the hero? Need the enemy to rescue her from right? Or, how would the advisers, advise without some conflict. But the whole point is, is that it is out of balance. Things such as murder, illness, and death, even money... Should not have existed. Not the way it is now. But yes, who would play the role of the debonair pirate who discovers lands and treasure? Or, the knight in shining Armour who poetically saves the beauty from the beast?
There had to be some contrast.. But not in the way it is now, in this I do agree. People would start innocently, and grow. That was the plan, so that they would have so much time to reincarnate here as long as they liked, and play different roles, characters, taking turns at times, but all in unique ways. That is why earth is so special. But now, we see that instead of one heroic tale or adventure, there are many "damsels"in distress, all over the world. Women raped, and murdered each day, with no knight in shining Armour to come to the rescue. There are no real infamous pirates except the thieves flooding the streets, and certainly the existence of the icelandic king, is all but melted.. It is sad. It is the differences here that make us all beautiful,but this society thrives to be the same, as there are ideas placed on what people should look like, and what one should own. It is very routine. Work, mostly technology has overthrown the earth, while people strive to have fancy cars, and similar appearances. The paradises are polluted, and no one can stop long enough to go live a dream, due ot work schedules,and cost. All of the treasure was claimed by rulers, and I could go on.. My goodness. But yes, that is what it meant when people say that we chose the things we experience,meaning that your higher selves all had great plans and ideas for the world you would make,not that you would die of cancer, or in a car wreck. Those are manifestations of the rulers, who want you to live, slave to their system, and then die, leave yout family depressed pumping negativity into the system to make it stronger, and then reincarnate to do it again,and again, and again.. But they do the same.Many of them reincarnating into the same family repeatedly, to continue the wealth and power. So even for those out there that believe blood has nothing to do with it, it certainly does! They need a certain type to come back, to match their soul programming to the genetic programming.
Now, if the higher selves are up there in the airways, how can those rulers have so much control? Why can't the higher selves do something? That is another question I get. I am more than happy to answer.. Each person is attached tot he grid by their own, through the higher self. In this, the rulers have theirs too, who over power the others with technology, and spiritual energy. They also have archons above them. But we do too! Angels preside in 7D of earth;s sphere, but under that where most of the reality is taking place, is over run by the negative ruling powers. That is why. Their energy streams with the higher self energies, overpowering them. So what can one do? Nothing but ascend. The stronger you all get, the higher the frequency down hereon your avatar's behalf. the better connection you will have. Liken it to a wifi connection. The higher and stronger the energy is, and the closer it is.. the better the reception. Instead, many here are conditioned by this reality. Some say "I am awakened" but it is not that easy. If their life is still the same for them, then they are not connected to the higher self.. Granted some may be in transition phases, still manifesting their results, so that is a good sign. But if you still fear change, and cannot let og of the old.. then you are lacking a connection to the higher self and the grid which contains your reality, the one destined for you in the beginning. It is all in the individual grids that everyone has. But yet, many still live within the grid of the Material reality. Chasing material things. Sure, listen, spiritual people do not care about money, this is true,but we do need it to live int his environment to survive. Like myself one person had said "alura cares about money, she is no angel>" I just laughed. I live in this reality to heal and teach everyone, and to be here, I have to survive. Even Yeshua was fed and sheltered as I always say... No one does it that way anymore though. But no, in fact I wish money did not exist and we could go back to a barter trade system. It was better, if I have something you need and you have something I need, we exchange. I love that concept. The point is, we live in a made reality that is full of awful things.
And, it is up to us to fix everything ourselves, together. For people who judge, feel jealosuy,or compete, for those who are hateful,, greedy, and selfish, For those who have no love.. the new reality will not have room for you in it, and I do not want that. I want you all to come. Everyone, and there is always a chance. Reprogramming yourself to have no judgement, and to only feel love, and happy for each other, to not be afraid of change, and to chase your dreams without anyone holding you back.. that is how to start the path towards getting there.. The grid is a hard thing to break free from, but I feel we can all do it together..To do it, you have to wage war against the system, only with love, and a raise in your frequencies.. I can help if you let me...
The tube of light is alot like I said, a wifi connection. It is energy and it streams from the higher self, through all of that gunk in the air, down to the avatar that you are. If the energy is not strong enough, the connection will be weak. You have to get closer.. Surrendering to your purpose is a good way to! Pretty soon I willgointothis topic andmore, on my youtube channel.. Please stay tuned..
Thus the article Spiritual of spirit: The Tube of Light. Jack Milton
article telling you about Spiritual of spirit: The Tube of Light. Jack Milton, I hope the article can make you know more about the astral world and the metaphysical.
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Tag : alura cein, earth, Energy, free, frequency, from, grid, heaven, higher self, light, matrix, New world order, of, raise, soul, spirituality, truth, tube, vibration,
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