Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Angelic Message- Angel Ayadafriel. Jack Milton - hallo my brother astral treveler in this world, This time we will give the article titled: Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Angelic Message- Angel Ayadafriel. Jack Milton, This article contains knowledge about the world and the spiritual world and its astral metaphysical thing. Let us begin to tell you about the astral world.

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title article : Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Angelic Message- Angel Ayadafriel. Jack Milton

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Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Angelic Message- Angel Ayadafriel. Jack Milton

Article alura cein, Article Angels, Article archangel, Article ariel, Article ascension, Article Awakening, Article ayadafriel, Article bible, Article End times, Article message, Article new, Article order, Article psychic, Article salvation, Article spirituality, Article truth, Article truthology, Article world,

Ayadafriel is an Angel of Ancient time. Created by Ariel, out of her love for animals and humans, he was made to resemble both. He is a cherubim over karma, protection, and courage. It is not easy to try to save the planet, even for Archangels. Angel Ayadafriel is from Lyra, as is Ariel, but in the stars, not the planets. Both have Earth as their ward, and are desperate to help out, so I channeled both of them together.. The trouble is, many focus only on the popular, well known angels, and fail to realize that there are billions of others. Ayadafriel was a well known angel but things changed as time went by on Earth, and religion was fabricated. His words are strong, fierce as an angel of karma would be.. Ariel too, is full of courage and strength, but very loving and kind. However, she may be sweet, but she has a fierce side too. Let us see what it is they have to say to Earth, as it must be important for Ayadafriel appeared twice within 5 days. First on my trip in NYC, but I had not said anything, because I was told to keep silent until I could reach more. Then he and Ariel appeared tonight, giving me prior warning of their visitation, in my inter-dimensional travels last night.

" Greetings children of Earth, and Soul of Earth, there within the spiral stairway, which you call, the Milky Way. For you there, it is 2016, but for us, it is already the future. We had to still time and back track to reach where you are, We see many things for the future of your planet, and see prevention if measures are taken.   Biblical times are indeed underway. You are already living them, but do you know who really predicted them? If the religions were fabricated, and manufactured, and all is a part of the great agenda, then it is truth in saying that the coming end is near. But not as you think. When you start pulling the strings in an attempt to find the truth behind layers of lies and deception, and you think you have peeled off enough layers to grasp the whole concept of the Secret Agenda, you soon find that you still have only touched the surface. The deception is so deep and well planned, that it is extremely hard to get to the bottom of it. We know, as we have seen it unfold, when will you all hear? Those with an ear, hear spirit!

Look at your history… The false history you have been told is a great example. Things that you learned in school, books, documentaries.. It is not what really happened. What is interesting, is that the events coincide with the Agenda of the Powers and principalities of Earth, my unredeemable brethren, the Fallen Ones... Open your eyes, and see for the first time.. Connect the dots, and put the puzzle together. The heroes of the past, the great artists, the conquerors, the scientists, the great inventors, the “humanitarians”, the classical musicians, the whole lot of them, all have been connected to one secret society or another. The list goes on and on. Why were all of your great men of your history initiated in occult orders?

And, all of  the great people who were not members of secret societies who did not work towards the New World Order, were suppressed, killed or excluded from the history books. Left is the biased version of history that the Masons/Illuminati want you all to believe in. The past helps them to build the present and the future. If all of you believe in the biased version of history, if that is all that you know, then the logical continuation will be, that most of you, knowing or blind, are willingly following the Illuminati toward their ultimate goal. It just falls naturally; because that is the way the flow goes. That is how everyone has been conditioned, programmed, and delusioned.

So they have an illusion of reality, and a handpicked and subjective excerpt of what really happened, neatly put together in books and other widespread media to teach you nothing else but how the New World Order came into place. The rest, how brave men and women tried to resist evil, and how brilliant minds were trying to lead people to better lives have been conveniently excluded or biased in a way that those people look like the ‘bad guys.  I can think of Nikola Tesla, as a great example, and so many others in your world who have tried to do the righteous thing, and were murdered.
You cannot trust anything but a true messenger.. Even the Bible and other Holy Scriptures from other religions as well, are all just  blueprints for the Illuminati Agenda. There were many times they used a true messenger in their agenda, some kind, pure and naive soul on earth, who thought they were helping, but in fact were really helping the wrong side. Some true messages got into the books, and it is true you can find truth in them, but 60% is false misleading info, or predictions for their own agendas. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. They used truth to lead people into a lie. We are not attacking your foundations for spiritual nourishment, only trying to show you the true way, so that you can real nourishment, and be free from that world already. Look at it and dig a little deeper, you will notice that the New Testament for one thing, is not unique. It seems like most cultures have a similar story to tell, how a savior was born from a virgin, later killed, arisen from the dead with a promise to return in the future.  It repeats itself similarly all the way back to the story of Osiris, Isis and Horus and it all sounds more like occult symbolism instead of actual events.
Also, I  know for certain that the Bible has been severely tampered with. The King James Version was revised, and the revision was supervised by Francis Bacon among others, Bacon who was a high initiate in several secret societies, and a Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order. The Theosophical Society calls this man Saint Germain. And has many calling out to him.. King James himself was a prominent Freemason.  I know in their minds, Christians will dispute this wholeheartedly, but the evidence speaks for itself, in this case the source comes from the Freemasons themselves. Yes, it truly does. The Book of Revelations? The predictions went along with the agenda, as you see them all come true.. Why do you think that as leaders, the rulers of your world see these events that were prophesied, happening all around them, but do nothing. Do you not think they would try to save their world? But no, they just allow it to continue. They said that the Anti-Christ would rule for a short time before the Second Coming of Christ, and there will be rapture for the believers. There is no reason to intervene; things will sort themselves out as a part of God’s Great Plan, and the War is already won, because God has already defeated the delusion of 3D, only the righteous have to awaken to it now, and ascend... Unfortunately many people will suffer and die before peace comes, but this is inevitable. This is all propaganda of the New World Order coming. The rulers know it, always have.. We know it too as we watch from on high, crying for the planet, and for those who have the chance to awaken but don’t due to false teachings.
I say verily unto you, that Ariel and I see religious wars  that will break out due to contradictions between religions and scriptures, and lots of people will die. The powers in the air and their human slaves are leading the way, in the direction of man-made Gods, towards death, fanatic sacrifice, and genocide. An “Anti-Christ” will eventually be on the World Throne to rule and will only rule for a short time before the Kingdom of heaven will be a reality. They say that there will be 1,000 years of peace, and it is just a matter of waiting it out. Isn’t this what is actually happening, about to happen, and has been happening throughout history? Doesn’t this fit extremely well into the Fallen angel Agenda, where religion keeps people in check and becomes a brilliant tool for keeping the population down for easier control, no matter  what religion you belong to, as they are all man-made.

A World Dictator will be sat on the throne to rule over a United World without borders, in an ultimate dictatorship. The fallen angels, by that time will have already taken over.

Now that this is happening, many Christians (84% of the world is Christian related) and they see that they were misled, so they object and now your ruler has claimed that the Christians or anyone not promoting their agenda are the terrorists and enemies, and they seek to destroy the Christian religion and kill all Christians. They invented religion in the first place. This makes the whole scenario look more real doesn’t it?

It was also said that ‘False Prophets’  would come in the End Times.  Look at how many claim to be lightworkers? Messengers? Do gooders? But are false to their claims.. New Age is a one world religion as a part of their agenda for a One world rule. This is goes along with Project Camelot, to hide in the open, as conspiracy theorists even politicians, claim the real truth so it gets out, to program the people, but look crazy while doing so, that no one believes but everyone hears it, and gradually it becomes nothing, or worse, accepted..  The real truth is out there, but yet like I said, the good, the meek and the true, are made to be unheard. True messengers are pushed to the back as false ones rise. Please open your eyes. Please, and awaken to the truth, so that you can be freed from all of this, as it is my only hope for earth and the life in it, all of you, in it.”
Angel Ayadafriel

Now my mother Ariel….

“ People of the Earth, we come not to set peace,but to put enmity between you. For those of you chosen, to awaken and fight  against those who are helping ot promote the chaos. Earth is dying. The aura, the animals, the life. All of you as well, slowly. And it goes on. Ayadafriel covered much of what I had planned to say. So at this point I only say this.. You need to learn truth, to trigger the truth, and to use it to give yourselves the chance before we complete the finalizing touches to the modification of earth, rectifying the evil with light, and making falsehoods once again truths. We want all of you to make it, but how can you if you are lost amongst the bitter sea of wormwood?  Yes real messages have gotten out there, even in the religions that are mainly false, but this one is true.. The waters are made bitter, and the waters are many things in spiritual terms. Emotions, being lost or hardened, bitter and hurt. The realms, being filled with the lost souls of evil people who have been stuck, and other spirits that are negative. It also represents the truth being poisoned, and nature becoming disharmonic. As all of it is.. Rise, and wake up.. It is time…
Many of you will be living while it gets worse, and some will pass from your human lives into another one, by the time this all is reaching its peak. But know that your soul may reincarnate here in the worst of it, or your children’s children. So it is important to fight for your home,planet earth. For earth, for yourselves, and for future generations… have no fear though as we are always with you, fighting for you if you can not yourself, as we love you and watch over you..”
Angel Ariel

There you have it. Messages from both angels, but they agree with one another as they should as they see all, and know all, as I do, being an angel myself. This human body is not limiting me.. Would you not like to have unlimited freedom too? If anyone is serious about knowing truth, and preparing, enroll in Truthology on my website under my Courses and Life Coaching page, it is a huge step for learning.. Alura's Spiritual Services Thank you Angels Ariel and Ayadafriel for your message. It is most helpful at this time of need. The world is falling all around us.

Thus the article Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Angelic Message- Angel Ayadafriel. Jack Milton

article telling you about Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Angelic Message- Angel Ayadafriel. Jack Milton, I hope the article can make you know more about the astral world and the metaphysical.

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