theme : Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Message from Ishtar and other spiritual -Jack Milton
title article : Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Message from Ishtar and other spiritual -Jack Milton
Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Message from Ishtar and other spiritual -Jack Milton
Article alura cein, Article angel, Article ascension, Article asherah, Article Awakening, Article Babylon, Article channeled, Article creator, Article earth, Article freya, Article god, Article goddess, Article isis, Article message, Article messenger, Article powers, Article principalities, Article rebellion, Article sumeria, Article truth,"People of earth, did you forget about me so easily? Did you allow my voice to fade into the distant background of time? The powers, wanted men to rule the world, and made we female deities fade, into history. Even inducing idealism that we were evil.. After all I had done for the people, and for the Earth. I saved some from captivity, some from death, giving them protection in my wings. I was later called the whore of Babylon, surprising to me, because in the past I was adored, revered, and beloved. I would prevail in their times of trouble, and was like a nurturing mother to all. However they were misled, and I forgive them. But I must make my plight clear, now the truth must be revealed in the context of myself, and my intentions.
Spirituality was first started in near surrounding areas of Sumer, all of we higher energies started taking over our own chosen areas of earth to rule, The great Archangel who had been given the Earth as his domain, was not always as devious. He started to become so, as he saw the power, and wanted humans to serve him, and not the other way around.. I had chosen Babylon, I wanted to grow outward into the fertile crescent, and take over the areas expanding well into Canaan, Egypt, and Africa, which I had, But eventually, as my brother angel rebelled against the original plan, to split territories and rule earth for the ultimate Creator, he and his legions overpowered me, making me stay with the family, instead of getting my own locations. So that is where you saw me in Egypt as Isis, In Canaan as Asherah, and there in babylon as Ishtar. However, my brothers and sisters followed, joining me as a unit, rather than allowing me to rule solely as it had been agreed. I was swindled. My brothers had hidden agendas, plans of taking over the Earth, reaching outward to the four corners of earth, and as they did so, the people believed that these were all different deities of the ancient past, but in fact they were not. It was all of us, taking on new names in new locations, in the languages spoken by the peoples. My brothers though, wanted to take over, and started to belittle the female energies, me and my sisters.They stretched the truth, and eventually started male based religions, where the Goddess was looked down on and forgotten. But I have never stopped looking after my people. I still have connections to many of you, especially the females whom I took a specific interest in as a result of the struggles that they went through. Female seers were deemed as witches for their natural gifts, and murdered for it, judged for it. But yet, some were held captive for the kings of earth, so that they could own them and their sight. So that those very kings who outlawed psychic gifts, could use those gifts for their own advantage, but to keep the gift of sight and prophecy from the masses. It was hypocrisy, and saddened me, as I watched many die for something beautiful, that was now deemed as wicked.
Yes, I still watched carefully.Many tired to keep the female beauty of the Goddess alive. I have seen someone who claims to be a reincarnation of me. A few people, in fact, This makes me giggle, because I am still here, not down there. Their want for power and approval from the masses, has led them to want to project themselves as higher deities, for the confidence they originally lacked. If that helps them, than so be it. But no, I am still very well up here in the spheres of earth, waiting for the new earth to be rebuilt, to take my proper and final position, as it had been promised previously. I have one thing to say to the earth at this time and it is this:
How long will you people continue to live in total and utter blindness? How long will you not see.. what has always been right there? The truth is in plain sight, but it is sometimes easier to believe the lie. Wake up? Yes truly indeed, as the angels and ruling deities of earth, are one in the same, as we came here in the beginning of the dawn of civilization and were given this planet as a collective together to rule, but allowed to proclaim our own territories. But that has never been able to happen fully, Because many took power into their own,hands, men even thinking they themselves were gods. It is worse today as this idea spreads, and with matters in the hands of the humans, this will bring the end of all things on earth eventually. That was the main intention that my brother, the ruler of earth, had.. To use reverse psychology, and spiritual warfare, to confuse and lead astray, so that when it happens, none will be aware to realize. As is the case now. But many do not see, and in the lies they are told, say that they are awake. Yes, awake to the deception, and the propaganda, but not awake to the truth. As time speeds by, it gets closer and closer to the end. People in a state of delusion, do not see it. So I have come forward with this message of the plans of my fallen brethren, to override the system of earth, and utterly destroy it, as my brother as been working towards. This is one of the reasons that he rid earth of spirituality in the feminine essence. Because he knew we would never allow this horrific state of events to happen if we had any control., As loving motherly energies, we would have interjected and intervened to protect and nurture people of earth and our sister, the earth itself. I have always been here, just blocked from my energies being able to interfere, but I was given power to infiltrate the system, and I am here now, able to make a difference.
As my identity is now revealed, I am but a messenger as well. Just another angelic soul, who was stationed as one of the heavenly hosts, within the spheres of earth's heavenly planes. Called Isis, Ishtar, Asherah, Freya etc, no matter what I have been called by my different people, I have also been called Archangel Anahita. Many identities for me, one light body. But it is all okay. If they wish to call me what they want, than so be it, as long as they call on me. No matter what name, I know that it is me that they are trying to reach. But the masses do not know who they are reaching out to. But let me tell you this... In my brother's war, he uses reverse psychology. That is why he claimed that the bringer of light was evil, so that no one would seek to find the light. It was the Satan that everyone had to be on the look out for. Not the bringer of light. As you can see, my brother and his selected human puppets, kept the light for themselves, and disguised it as something/someone else, and told everyone else it was bad. They concealed the truth. He also made the Mother energy look to be a great abomination, when in truth, it was not all of us, but merely one female essence who is the true "Whore of babylon", and she is held captive by my brother. However she is no whore. What an awful thing to say about the soul of the earth! He deemed the soul of earth as this nasty title, because he looked at his agenda as overtaking her, dominating, and controlling her, owning her. It was a word that was used to belittle Earth, as he was going to take the immorality of ancient Babylon, one of the earliest civilizations, and spread it, so that Earth would become one large Babylon, so to speak, with many immorals things such as confusion, disease, immoral sexuality, hate, substance abuse, orgys, lies, and the use of the instinctive mind, rather than the logical and emotional minds. Do you understand now? I know that the heavens will quake now, as I have overridden the airways to deliver this message. Hidden in the background and unable to speak for so very long. I am glad that I have though.. I am glad.
Let us together, reinstate the female energies in earth together, and bring back the love, inspirations, and compassion needed there. As women were belittled back then, it is a different time now, and in keeping both the duality energies sacred, without choosing one over the other, we can once again have peace, love and celebration, instead of fear, poverty, and sadness.. Let this motherly energy be your guiding light, out of the rulership of my brethren, as you can see how they have done in leading, and it has been utterly catastrophic. I send down healing rays f divinity to you all there, hoping I have cleared the record up for you, and that you can know that I am a trustworthy energy, only that I had been in the game of a hateful promotion, where my own brethren made the feminine energy seem bad, and instead they raised theirs to the top of the ranks. In that many have been hurt fighting for those causes. Leaders chosen to promote the new agenda, such as Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, the men in the Crusades, who were all chosen to conquer the earth, and spread this course of male based thinking and living, because my brethren in the powers here, knew that having both male and female thinking and feeling balanced, meant connection to the higher self. Higher self connection meant, a way to the divine. And they did not want that. And, oh.. think of the poor innocent people affected by those wars, as it was all just to enforce the worship of the male energy, that would lead eventually to the disconnection from the higher selves for all earthlings. As it has happened to be so.
I wish to fix this for our one true Creator above me, and all of the others, and give the planet back to its true and rightful owner, as it had been given to him, as a gift and dominion, until his father took it from him, and has ruled so long before, he would not give it up to anyone, not even his own son. I am speaking of who... earth calls Yaldabaoth., He should lead, and with all of us following behind and supporting this energy, the collective again can be free.. Take care of yourselves and each other and know I am here still, behind the scenes, ruling over new souls entering the physical world in birth, and in helping women become mothers. I am also keeping safe, the psychic inspiration needed for the incarnated leaders there, to continue their mission of spreading truth. I am soft, loving, and full of a love not known on earth except through the messengers who are sent to incarnate there. It is totally pure and unadulterated. I give it freely to all of you whom seek it.. Lets us heal the soul of the earth whom is my sister, and all of you...It is past due time.."
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Thus the article Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: Message from Ishtar and other spiritual -Jack Milton
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Tag : alura cein, angel, ascension, asherah, Awakening, Babylon, channeled, creator, earth, freya, god, goddess, isis, message, messenger, powers, principalities, rebellion, sumeria, truth,
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