theme : Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: The Spirit of the Moon Lunar Esoteric Knowledge in astral dimention. Jack Milton
title article : Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: The Spirit of the Moon Lunar Esoteric Knowledge in astral dimention. Jack Milton
Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: The Spirit of the Moon Lunar Esoteric Knowledge in astral dimention. Jack Milton
Article alura, Article Angels, Article cein, Article consciousness, Article esoteric, Article fallen, Article god, Article goddess, Article hecate, Article khunsu, Article light, Article luminaries, Article luner, Article moon, Article occult, Article selene, Article spirituality, Article truthology, Article wisdom,
Water, is the epic center of life. The Universe is plasma. The body is made of 60 % water. The air contains 37.5 billions of water. Its all water, in some way, shape, or form. For this reason, the Moon was revered. It moves the waves, the tides, the rising, and receding of the waters. They also revered the sun, as it was responsible for the circle of life, the growth and development of time, life itself, and food. With the importance of the matrix , the grid, the powers felt that these luminaries were deities to be worshiped, because their positions, and direction, marked life.It imposed time, something they wanted earthbound creatures to go by, to seem as if all things have to abide by time, instead of infinity.
Time itself is the second tree, in the Garden of Eden mentioned, The tree of good and veil, is consciousness, and duality of its existence in the programming of the world. Time was the other tree. The tree of knowledge, which knowledge actually is time in the Principalities and Power's eyes, because it would take time going through experiences, as different characters, in different settings, being born and dying, over and over. Without time, knowledge would not exist here, as it would seem like one large repeat forever, so in truth, death is not a bad thing. What is a bad thing is that, those who do pass can not leave earth as easily. Being in the time gives the ability to learn, That is why the moon is also representing wisdom, Thoth who also represented time, represented thoughts, and wisdom. They all knew what the mission was, and that was to go through the life and death process, to be reborn and try something new. This is why the Moon and the Sun both symbolized that very process. So it was said "Store up for yourselves, Treasures in Heaven, not of the Earth." This meant, that you should not worry yourself or attach yourself to people or things on earth, because you will only see them again in the reincarnation process later on or in spirit, and you need to be bring in "treasures in heaven", treasure meaning wisdom in to the consciousness, which is the heavens in a sense because it exists on many planes for those who ascend. However, if you have learned with me, you will know that there is no right or wrong when it comes to the spiritual world.
Many claimed religion false saying it is astrotheology, sun and moon worship. While that is true, the luminaries are spirits. Many in fact, working together as one. They knew this, but people today and the scientific ideas try to dismiss it. It is intelligence in the light out there in the hosts, but they exist due to being a collective consciousness. The Elohim of their reality Each planet has its own dimensions, as does each star, and each Universe and soul too. To them, no matter what dimensional frequency they are, they have a reality of their own. But it brings me back to the moon.
The Moon itself is a soul, made by billions or more of tinier ones, They are all collected together in similar vibration to be able to work together, to become one soul. Then, there are hundreds of other energies carry the moon in its orbit, and rotation, in order to to keep things in balance. The energies emitted from them all together as a family, go to earth, and work the waters of this planet including the ones in your body.Part of birth, the waters of the womb, death as the waters recede, and rejuvenation of your cells. This is why it was so sacred to the those in ancient times. How did they know all of this? Messengers... Angels who taught the world many things that they later expanded into esoteric teachings. It was Archangel Asardel who taught the moon truths. But when looking back in time, they have associated the names Phoebe, Artemis, Selene, Hecate, Maya,Chang'e, Ka-ata-killa, Khonsu, and Luna... No matter the religious belief they always had more than one spirit associated with the moon, because Angel Asaradel told of how it worked in conjunction with the spiritual nature of things, so that earthlings would know signs, seasons, and magic, as well as the cycle of life. A shame, none of them ever taught beyond what is out there.They seemed to have only covered what is inside of the grid and what affects it directly, not beyond it. I hope to shed some light, as I teach Truthology. But yes, the moon, stars, and sun, planets, and energies out there, are all consciousness, and consciousness is spirit, some having awareness, and some in the "I AM" state of existence, but none the less, all souls working together for the greater good of all.
It is amazing how they revered the Sun and Moon on the knowledge given to them though. As they depicted all of this in Egypt as Ra, who walked across the sky during the day. This symbolized him being born, and then dying and going into the underworld. The reincarnation process. All while this was underway, the moon "Khunsu" would rise, to comfort and incubate his soul for the next life to come, "Next morning". It was a splendid show, for something that many souls have been doing since the beginning of time on earth. Another topic to cover next blog entry.But in this we know one thing... Reincarnation is meant for playing different roles, characters, and witnessing different places, cultures, and events. learning different lessons, and picking up from witnessing and experiencing first hand. All of that goes into the consciousness, stored up in your "heaven" for your next life to come. but many things need to be be done. You have to protect your consciousness, because chemicals, trauma, karma, not seeing the bigger picture, mistakes, altering your future based on following the "program" in this world as the negative rulers have made it or taking in false doctrines, or doctrines that are repetitive, instead of new information,, then you can instead lose some of your light as is the Principalities and Power's (archons) intention, so that you are so low in vibration, that instead of rising and leaving this world afterwards. It then becomes an imprisoned way of existing, reincarnating even well after your contract is up. It is an awful thing to do to the Creator's beautiful light in this world through all of you, the animals and lifeforms, but that is exactly what they are doing, and I have already met alot of people in my work who are now confined to the earth energy from being led astray or going astray on their own with their lost consciousness of not knowing the real truth, and being programmed to make their own lives miserable.
With this all being said, the beautiful moon is a caregiver, and a soul. The energy is powerful if one learns to use it, master it, and no matter what it is called or what belief is behind it, it is the biggest reason why life continues on earth at all. Think of it, if we did not have the Sun or Moon , time would no longer exist, and life would die from not being able to replenish or grow. It would be void, chaos unseen. I am grateful tot he luminaries for this , as long as we have to be here, I am grateful to my angelic kin out there, who are playing a role in existence for everyone in their sacrifice and volunteering to care for this celestial body and soul..
Thus the article Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: The Spirit of the Moon Lunar Esoteric Knowledge in astral dimention. Jack Milton
article telling you about Information about do Astral Projection and Metaphysic: The Spirit of the Moon Lunar Esoteric Knowledge in astral dimention. Jack Milton, I hope the article can make you know more about the astral world and the metaphysical.
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Tag : alura, Angels, cein, consciousness, esoteric, fallen, god, goddess, hecate, khunsu, light, luminaries, luner, moon, occult, selene, spirituality, truthology, wisdom,
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